Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

You and the emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire

Life’s too short to spend much time thinking about the things that can go wrong. However, a little bit of forward planning can mean that a potentially bad situation might not be so stressful. It’s like doing your future self a favour. When it comes to dentistry, all you need is to know what you would do if you had a tooth issue that needed looking at straight away. Would you know who to contact? At Garden View Dental Care, we offer an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire. This is the service that we’d like to tell you about today so that you are ready if you or a member of your family ever need our support.

Emergency Dentist in BuckinghamshireWhat do we do when there’s an emergency?

We have an emergency number that you can call if you have an urgent issue. The first thing we do is to talk you through what has happened, what you are experiencing and if there is anything we can do to make you more comfortable until we can see you. If you need an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire, we aim to see you on the same day or as soon as possible on the next day. We know how uncomfortable dental issues can be and our priority is to see that you are pain-free as soon as possible.

What happens when you come in?

If the action you have been advised to take at home has not alleviated any dental sensations to a bearable level, we address your pain first. When you are more comfortable, your dentist at Garden View Dental Care will do an examination of your mouth to check what needs to be done. In some cases, we’ll be looking for the most accessible, temporary fix that will get you pain-free and functional again until we can plan for something more permanent.

What happens afterwards?

You will be given all the advice you need to take care of your fix and help to prevent any reoccurrence of the problem. If needed, we will plan future appointments with you for any repairs or further restorative work. We want to see you through the full journey back to health.