Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Rediscover your smile

In Buckinghamshire, cosmetic dentistry is helping people rediscover their lovely smile.

Cosmetic dentistry in Buckinghamshire is not the same as general dentistry. The focus is more on the appearance of the smile, teeth and gums. A cosmetic dentist studies the alignment of the teeth, asking themselves questions such as:

cosmetic-dentistry-in-Buckinghamshire‘Has this mouth got too many teeth?’ – a condition known as over-crowding.

‘Are these teeth leaning far in or too far out’ – misalignment is the technical term for this condition.

‘Can I see too much gum when the patient smiles?’ – a feature known as gummy smile.

These are the naturally-occurring problems that patients come into Garden View Dental to ask about treatment for.

People also develop dental problems as they go through their daily lives. These include:

  • Increasing numbers of amalgam fillings in the mouth that can make patients feel self-conscious when they laugh;
  • Teeth becoming increasingly stained and discoloured, through drinking tea, coffee, red wine and through smoking, and sometimes just through living, so that teeth no longer look pearly clean, even after a good scrub and polish from the hygienist;
  • Teeth have been or knocked out, or fallen out, or been extracted due to infection or too many fillings.

These are all problems that people seek help for. In Buckinghamshire, cosmetic dentistry is no longer seen as self-indulgent. Increasing numbers of people recognise the benefits of a great smile of sparkling, evenly-toned, straight, healthy-looking teeth. That feeling of well-being comes from several sources. Firstly, the smiler is no longer carrying the burden of self-consciousness, maybe even outright depression caused by the condition of their teeth and mouth. Secondly, the mouth and teeth are in a better state, and because straighter teeth help prevent oral diseases, the patient’s physical health is better. Thirdly, smiling releases natural happiness chemicals, such as serotonin and beta-endorphins, leading to levels of increased happiness. With all these benefits, how could cosmetic dentistry in Buckinghamshire can change lives.

At Garden View Dental, cosmetic dentistry in Buckinghamshire, can help you reclaim the smile you want. Our treatments include teeth whitening,white fillings, porcelain veneers, biocompatible restorations, gum contouring. One or more treatments can be combined to create a treatment package known as the Smile Makeover.