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‘How do I keep my ceramic braces stain free?’ Read Garden View Dental’s top tips on reducing staining

When you choose to have cosmetic braces fitted to help straighten your teeth, there is a real expectation now that your braces will look good and not draw unwanted attention or stares.


With invisible braces, like Invisalign, this is fairly straightforward; the braces are clear, made from an easy-to-clean plastic that only requires rinsing under the tap.

However, when you and your dentist decide that you are more likely to benefit from ceramic braces, you need to know how to take care of them properly to prevent staining.

At Garden View Dental, our team is proud to be able to offer our patients both invisible and clear braces in Buckinghamshire and are aware of how your choice of brace will impact on your day to day life. In this article, we will discuss the best ways to keep your ceramic braces clean, stain free and functional.

So, what are the best ways to prevent staining on ceramic braces?

Floss and rinse

We are all aware of how regular flossing and rinsing with mouthwash can reduce plaque build-up, but it can also prevent staining.

When you are fitted with our clear braces in Buckinghamshire, consider investing in more dental floss and mouthwash, to prevent your ceramic braces from becoming stained and more visible. Alternatively, why not invest in some of the more recent dental options, like the Waterpik, that eliminates both plaque and prevents discolouring of ceramics?

Regular brushing

Our team at Garden View Dental know you brush your teeth twice a day.

But when you have clear braces in Buckinghamshire fitted, you need to brush your teeth twice a day and usually after every meal to prevent staining.

This ensures that any colours used in your food are washed away quickly and leave your teeth and braces looking and feeling a lot whiter.

Avoid certain foods

No one likes being told what to eat, but if you want to keep your ceramic braces stain free, there are a few foods you should be actively avoiding.

Foods that are higher in acids such as tomatoes, mustard, berries, and beetroot should all be avoided when you are wearing ceramic braces. Unfortunately, there are many drinks that should be crossed off of your consumption list too, which include coffee, tea, red wine, sodas, and juices.

If you have to consume any of these products, remember to brush and floss afterward to keep those ceramic brackets looking their best!

Reduce or stop smoking

We all know smoking is a big no-no and it can obviously impact your teeth.

Nicotine stains not only your natural teeth but can also stain any ceramic materials you have in your mouth, so if you want to keep your new braces looking discreet, it is advisable to cut down or eliminate smoking altogether.

Smoking while wearing any type of brace also increases the risk of gum disease, gum recession, white spots on the teeth and tooth loss, so if you want good oral health, give up smoking as soon as possible.