Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Gum disease: the invisible enemy

Periodontitis, commonly known as gum disease, is a bacterial infection that can result in inflamed gums and ultimately, loss of teeth. Symptoms include bleeding during brushing, lingering bad breath, red and swollen gums, as well as loose or shifting teeth.

Gum disease is the number one reason for tooth loss, and extensive research suggests that there may be links between gum disease and other health problems such as diabetes, risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. Bad oral care and smoking can also dramatically increase the risk of gum disease.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireOur Buckinghamshire dentist at Garden View Dental Care is committed to helping you prevent gum disease and preserve your oral health. The early stages of gum disease are not painful at all and you can easily miss it if you fail to visit your dentist in Buckinghamshire for a regular check-up. Here are some simple steps to ensure that your gums will stay as healthy as possible:

Prevention is better than cure

Preventing gum disease in the first place is not only important for your teeth, but it is also vital for your general health. The best way to prevent gum disease is to brush and floss your teeth daily, but to get the best results, it is important to know how to do it correctly. Your dentist in Buckinghamshire can show you effective brushing and flossing techniques for the best possible results.

Visiting the dentist regularly is also important, since they can identify signs of the disease at an early stage and prevent it altogether. Your dentist in Buckinghamshire will also clean your teeth professionally, removing any traces of plaque that may cause gum disease.

Smokers are advised to quit because smoking decreases blood circulation, which helps keep gums healthy, and is a major cause of gum disease. Moreover, eating a balanced and nutritious diet is important to keep your gums healthy and strong. By following these simple rules, you can reduce your chance of infection and inflammation and ensure better oral health.

To learn more about gum disease and how to prevent or treat it, contact our friendly team and schedule an appointment today.

Why children should visit the dentist in Buckinghamshire

Ideally, your child should have a dental check-up by their first birthday; however, it is ok to wait until they develop their first set of teeth. Delaying the visit any longer than that, though, may increase their risk of developing cavities and gum disease, leading to more complex problems.

At Garden View Dental Care, we are committed to providing quality dental care for children and adults alike. Our goal is for our dentist in Buckinghamshire to develop a great relationship with your child and make their visit an enjoyable experience. Whether your child needs preventive or restorative dental care, we are here to ensure that they enjoy each step of the journey and leave with healthy teeth and a bright smile.

Dentist in BuckinghamshirePrevention is key

Many parents mistakenly think that their children can’t develop oral problems at an early age. However, bringing your child to the dentist at an early age will ensure that thier teeth are protected against early tooth decay, which, if left untreated, could eventually affect their permanent teeth. Just like adults, children are recommended to visit the dentist in Buckinghamshire at least twice a year. The dentist will be able to detect any issues and ensure proper prevention and cure.

Fluoride applications and sealants

At Garden View Dental Care, there are a number of preventive treatments that our dentists can provide for children. Fluoride applications can prevent or slow down tooth decay, allowing your dentist to stop the formation of cavities. Dental sealants, on the other hand, are plastic coatings applied directly on the biting surfaces of the children’s teeth to prevent bacteria from entering into the grooves and causing decay. Both methods are very effective and can protect your children’s teeth from developing decay.

Teaching children to value good oral health

It’s never too early to set up your baby’s first appointment with the dentist in Buckinghamshire and teach your children that oral health is important. Children who visit the dentist regularly from an early age are more likely to develop good oral care habits and experience fewer oral problems as they grow up. Treating problems early also prevents oral disease from getting worse and is less expensive in the long run.

Baby teeth do matter – dental care for children in Buckinghamshire

Many people do not understand the function of baby teeth, thinking that, as they are going to fall out eventually, they are not important. Unfortunately, this is not true. Baby teeth are very important for a child’s oral health and wellbeing. Not only do they help in speech development, but they also hold space in the mouth for the adult teeth. Without proper care, they can cause serious oral health issues.

At Garden View in Buckinghamshire, we are aware of the importance of baby teeth and for this reason we urge our patients to bring their children to the dental practice as soon as their first teeth appear. Good oral health habits start from the very beginning and that includes taking care of non-permanent teeth such as baby teeth. Our friendly dentist in Buckinghamshire will examine your children’s teeth and ensure that they are free of plaque and cavities.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireWhat if baby teeth get cavities?

You may be tempted to think that baby teeth are going to fall out anyway, therefore getting cavities is not that important. This could not be further from the truth. Cavities are not only painful, but they can also cause problems with the normal development of adult teeth. For this reason, it is really important to visit the dentist in Buckinghamshire. Decayed baby teeth can damage the whole jaw structure and impair children’s speech and chewing ability.

Cavities in baby teeth are often caused by over-exposure to sugar. Too much sugar causes bacteria to settle on the teeth, creating plaque that starts to eat away tooth enamel. Children are most likely to indulge in sugary snacks putting them at a higher risk for cavities. The pain that comes with cavities can interrupt sleep, as well as their ability to grow to their fullest potential. Oral health is also connected with overall health and cavities can encourage the multiplication of bacteria in the mouth that may eventually spread throughout the entire body.

Taking good of baby teeth will keep your children’s mouth health and plaque-free. Daily brushing and flossing help children understand that oral health is really crucial. Visiting the dentist in Buckinghamshire will also help them establish an oral health routine.

Why is it important visiting the dentist on a regular basis?

Brushing and flossing your teeth on a daily basis is important, but it is not sufficient to keep your teeth perfectly clean. Some dental conditions are not visible on the surface, so it is really important to have a dentist examine your teeth and gums and help you understand the steps involved in proper dental care.

Seeing a dentist in Buckinghamshire on a regular basis means you are getting your teeth cleaned, having regular examinations, and taking care of any oral health problems that may appear before they require immediate attention. At Garden View, we believe that good oral care is an essential step for good oral health and we provide quality dental care for all ages.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireHow often should you visit the dentist?

The frequency of dental examinations is usually dependent on the condition of the patient’s mouth. If your teeth are healthy and you do not have gum disease, we recommend visiting the dentist in Buckinghamshire every six months. If you have many restorations, dental implants or active gum disease, you are advised to visit the dentist more frequently. Other reasons to see the dentist as soon as possible include tooth sensitivity, broken or chipped teeth and bleeding gums.

Reasons to visit the dentist regularly

There are good reasons to have a teeth cleaning and check-up every six months or so. Professional teeth cleaning will enable your dentist in Buckinghamshire to remove bacteria that cause plaque and form tartar on your teeth. If the plaque is not removed it can erode the enamel, leading to gum disease.

Having your teeth cleaned regularly can also serve as an early warning system. During those visits, your dentist will examine your teeth thoroughly and have the opportunity to detect early signs of decay or other oral health problems. They can also spot the early signs of oral cancer, increasing the likelihood of a successful treatment, should you be at risk. Moreover, a hygienist will clean your teeth thoroughly and provide advice on effective brushing and flossing techniques.

Get in touch

Seeing your Buckinghamshire dentist at least twice a year can save you time and money, especially when problems are caught and treated in advance. To book an appointment, call us today.

Preventive dental care for children in Buckinghamshire

Did you know that as soon as your baby develops their first tooth, they are at risk of dental decay? Naturally, parents care about their children and want them to have the very best of everything. One of the best gifts you can give your child is an early start on good oral care.

At Garden View, we believe that prevention is better than cure and we advise our patients to bring their children to the practice as soon as they have their first teeth. The risk for decay and gum disease can easily be reduced with regular dental check-ups, cleanings, proper oral hygiene, and good nutrition habits. We also offer fluoride applications and dental sealants for enhanced protection against tooth decay. Our friendly dentist in Buckinghamshire will ensure your child’s complete comfort and care.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireTreatment that fits your child’s unique needs

Our dentist in Buckinghamshire is skilled in working with children, and before we make any recommendations, we will spend some time talking to you about your child’s oral health, hygiene, and eating habits. These aspects are equally important and will enable us to have a clear picture of your child’s overall dental health and develop a treatment plan that takes their unique needs into account.

Based on the results of our examination, we may recommend a thorough cleaning, fluoride applications, or dental sealants to protect and strengthen their teeth. Fluoride applications and dental sealants are effective against cavities and keep your child’s teeth healthy for longer. If cavities have already occurred, we will treat them in the least painful way possible.

Keeping your children happy and healthy

Our ultimate goal is to provide the highest quality dental care for children in a nurturing and safe environment. We want to help your child develop a positive attitude for the dentist as this will help them establish good oral habits for a lifetime.

No matter what your child’s age, our dentist in Buckinghamshire will support and encourage them to achieve excellent oral health. To schedule a visit or to learn more about our preventive treatments for children, contact our friendly team today.

How to straighten your teeth discreetly in Beaconsfield

Do you wish you had straighter teeth but the mere idea of having a mouth full of metal braces for a year or longer puts you off? While conventional braces are generally considered the best way to straighten your teeth, not everyone likes the aesthetic effect of metal. Luckily, modern dentistry has come a long way and it is now possible to straighten your teeth effectively and above all discreetly.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, then adult braces may be the best option for you. At Garden View Dental Care, we offer clear braces and Six Month Smiles, both of which are alternatives to metal braces for adults and older teens who have slightly crowded, crooked, or gapped teeth. Both systems use clear and discreet brackets and wires or removable aligners that are hardly visible when worn. A dentist in Beaconsfield will examine your teeth thoroughly and help you decide which treatment best suits your dental needs.

Dentist in BeaconsfieldClear braces

Clear braces can be either fixed or removable. Fixed braces are made of tooth-coloured brackets which are virtually invisibly when placed on your teeth. Removable aligners, on the other hand, are made of high-quality clear plastic for a seamless, natural appearance. Clear braces straighten teeth discreetly and can even be removed periodically, making them ideal for your busy lifestyle. They are more comfortable than traditional metal braces because they use less force and can straighten your teeth in less time than traditional braces would require.

Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles braces are a particular type of clear braces with tooth-coloured brackets and wires that are barely noticeable. Unlike metal braces, Six Month Smiles braces concentrate only on the front teeth and do not make alterations to your bite. This way you can have your front teeth straightened in as little as six months. Six Month Smiles braces are ideal for patients who wish to have their teeth straightened in anticipation of a special occasion and are not recommended for patients with severely crooked and misaligned teeth. At the end of the treatment, your dentist in Beaconsfield will give you a removable retainer which you will be expected to wear daily to keep the teeth in their position.

Interested in discreet braces but don’t know where to start? Give us a call and book your appointment with a dentist in Beaconsfield today.

Your teeth deserve comprehensive care

Garden View is an established Beaconsfield dentist that combines the latest technology and knowledge with a friendly service. We deliver high standards in preventative, restorative and cosmetic dentistry in a relaxed and comfortable environment. So, whether you are looking for regular care to maintain oral health, specific services such as veneers or teeth whitening to enhance your appearance, or dental implants to improve your quality of life, we can help. If you have an emergency such as severe pain, a damaged or missing tooth, bleeding or a tooth abscess, you can rest assured that, as your dentist in Beaconsfield, we will be on hand.

Dentist in BeaconsfieldMeeting your needs

When you join Garden View, you are choosing a Beaconsfield dentist who puts patient comfort and care at the heart of what we do. Our centre is designed with comfort in mind and our staff are highly trained, friendly and committed to providing you with the best results. We have also invested in new technology such as the CEREC machine, which can make beautiful, durable porcelain inlays, veneers and crowns while you wait. This means that you avoid the inconvenience of having to make two appointments, undergoing two sets of anaesthetic or needing to have temporary fittings. This is just one of the many things we do to make your life easier.

I am terrified of the dentist

We are proud of our track record in supporting anxious patients who choose us as their dentist in Beaconsfield. Our staff are trained to put you at your ease and we can offer techniques such as the Wand for painless injections. Unlike a traditional syringe, the Wand provides a slow supply of anaesthetic, which is computer controlled. This is more comfortable and means that you are less likely to experience numbness in your lips or cheeks. Even if you have found going to the dentist difficult in the past, we hope that we can restore your confidence. Our aim is that everyone can benefit from regular check-ups as well as treatments to improve oral health, appearance or the functionality of their mouth.

Our experienced team at your Beaconsfield dentist looks forward to working with you to look after your health and enhance your looks.

Dental care for adults in Beaconsfield

You might have heard at some point in your life that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is particularly true for our teeth, since untreated dental problems can lead to more invasive and expensive treatments or even pose a threat to our oral and general health. Luckily, modern dentistry has come a long way and preventative treatments are now more reliable than ever.

At Garden View, we encourage our patients to visit the practice at least every six months or more frequently, if there’s legitimate reason. This way our dentist in Beaconsfield can ensure that minor annoyances will not turn into serious problems. We aim to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible so you can maintain your natural teeth for life.

Dentist in BeaconsfieldOur preventative services

Our preventative dentistry procedures range from the most basic services such as dental check-ups by our Beaconsfield dentist to cleanings and oral cancer screenings.

If you opt for a cleaning, our dental hygienists will remove the hardened plaque from your teeth and gums – especially in hard-to-reach areas that your toothbrush misses. Plaque can be detrimental to the health of your gums if not removed. Our dental hygienist will remove any traces of plaque from your teeth and gums and also polish your teeth.

Dental hygiene at our practice also entails treating gum disease and bad breath. If you have a bridge, denture, braces or a dental implants, our dental hygienists will assist with your specific oral hygiene needs.

At Garden View, we also offer oral cancer screenings. Early detection is key when it comes to any form of cancer, including mouth cancer, since it significantly increases the chances of successful treatment. Oral screenings are an essential part of regular dental exams in our practice.

Preventative maintenance and dental care for adults is important because nobody is immune to dental problems. By regularly visiting your dentist in Beaconsfield, you can rest assured that your teeth and gums will remain healthy for longer. With your dental health in good shape, you can then also consider more cosmetic dental procedures, such as teeth whitening or veneers, so you can smile with confidence.

Good dental health made easy

Practising good dental hygiene at home is a great first step towards enjoying a lifetime of good dental health. However, even with the most diligent brushing and flossing, we all need an extra helping hand. That’s where a dentist in Beaconsfield comes in, giving you the care and assistance you need to ensure your teeth and gums stay in the best possible condition. At Garden View, our experienced dentists are here to help you with all of your dental needs.

Dentist in BeaconsfieldClean teeth for a healthy smile

We offer professional cleaning, scaling and polishing of your teeth. This helps remove plaque and tartar, which brushing and flossing alone cannot get to. This helps protect you from gum disease and tooth decay. Our dental hygienist will also advise you on how you can best take care of your teeth at home.

Our dentist in Beaconsfield will examine your teeth, gums and mouth to ensure any dental problems can be caught early. This will save you time in the long run and help you avoid unnecessary pain and discomfort. When dental problems do arise, our dentist has the skills and technology available to effectively treat your condition and relieve you of any pain. The could involve repairing damaged or decayed teeth, reconstructing missing teeth, tackling infection or straightening out crooked or crowded teeth. We can even help you deal with bad breath and sensitive teeth.

We also offer emergency dental care for when the unexpected happens. We strive to provide emergency appointments on the same day that you call so that you can get the care and treatment you need as soon as possible.

Good health and great aesthetics

We not only cater to your general dental health but also provide a variety of cosmetic dental treatments. These focus on enhancing your smile through improving the appearance of your teeth. Treatments include teeth whitening, white fillings and porcelain veneers – all administered safely and professionally by a Garden View dentist in Beaconsfield.

Find out more

Call or email us today to find out how we can help you enjoy a lifetime of good dental health. Our warm and friendly staff are waiting to welcome you into our family of patients.

Preventative dental care for children in Beaconsfield

Keeping your children’s teeth strong and healthy is important for their overall health and development. With that in mind, at Garden View, we promote preventative dentistry for children as a priority – both at home and in our practice. Our experienced dentist in Beaconsfield will examine your children’s teeth and do their best to prevent cavities and protect their gums against gum disease. Our dentists and dental hygienists will also teach your children effective brush and flossing techniques and, if necessary, recommend preventative oral treatments such as sealants and fluoride applications.

Dentist in BeaconsfieldCavities and how to prevent them

Cavities can be very painful and if left untreated they can lead to bigger problems such as tooth loss. Decay can be prevented at home by teaching your children how to take good care of their teeth. We recommend brushing and flossing on a daily basis, as well as avoiding sugar and sugary beverages. Our Beaconsfield dentist will help you prevent cavities from developing and will guide and coach you and your children in fostering a good oral hygiene routine.

Extra protection

Children’s teeth are very sensitive and prone to decay. For this reason, we offer dental sealants and fluoride treatment to prevent cavities and help keep their teeth healthy for longer. Dental sealants are protective coatings directly applied to children’s most cavity-prone teeth. They have been shown to reduce tooth decay considerably and help keep teeth healthy and strong for longer. Dental sealants can last for many years with good care, but need to be replaced when broken or destroyed.

Fluoride applications are another way to protect your children’s teeth from decay. Fluoride varnish is entirely safe and is used by dentists to safeguard children’s teeth. Each application uses only a small amount of fluoride. Fluoride is quickly applied and hardens into a thick and solid protective shield that protects your children’s teeth from cavities.

Get in touch

At Garden View, we love to see your children smile! Our dentist in Beaconsfield will provide you with fun and friendly dental care specifically tailored for children. Call our office today and give your children the healthy smiles they deserve.