Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Don’t suffer any longer – emergency dental care in Buckinghamshire

Emergencies never happen when it’s convenient. However, oral discomfort shouldn’t be ignored, especially when an emergency dentist can provide you with relief in just one phone call. At Garden View, we understand how disruptive and traumatic tooth pain can be. For this reason, we offer emergency dental care that can help you get the immediate relief you are looking for.

Dental emergences and how to deal with them

Emergency Dental Care in BuckinghamshireWhile dental emergencies are rare, they can happen, and it is really important to know what to do before visiting the emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire. Children or adults who participate in sports regularly are more prone to dental injuries. At the same time, toothaches are very common, and it is possible to chip or crack a tooth while chewing on something hard.

If food has lodged around your tooth, causing it to hurt, then you should floss gently and rinse it with warm water. If the area is inflamed, apply a cold compress to the outside of the mouth. Never apply pain medication directly to your teeth or gums as it can cause serious harm. If the pain continues, you are advised to visiting your emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire, because the underlying cause may be something serious that required immediate dental care.

Chipped or cracked teeth, on the other hand, may not hurt, but you still need to contact the emergency dentist at once. Clean the area by rinsing it with warm water, save any pieces of the tooth and use a gauze if there is any bleeding.

Finally, knocked out teeth require immediate dental attention, since visiting the emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire on time can mean the difference between saving and losing your tooth. Rinse the root off with warm water, being careful not to disturb any fragments of tissue. Put the tooth back into the socket if possible, making sure the root is in the gum as it was before if possible. If you cannot put the tooth back into it place, store it in milk if possible.

Contact us

If you are facing a dental emergency, give us a call and we will be happy to help you as soon as possible.

Baby teeth do matter – dental care for children in Buckinghamshire

Many people do not understand the function of baby teeth, thinking that, as they are going to fall out eventually, they are not important. Unfortunately, this is not true. Baby teeth are very important for a child’s oral health and wellbeing. Not only do they help in speech development, but they also hold space in the mouth for the adult teeth. Without proper care, they can cause serious oral health issues.

At Garden View in Buckinghamshire, we are aware of the importance of baby teeth and for this reason we urge our patients to bring their children to the dental practice as soon as their first teeth appear. Good oral health habits start from the very beginning and that includes taking care of non-permanent teeth such as baby teeth. Our friendly dentist in Buckinghamshire will examine your children’s teeth and ensure that they are free of plaque and cavities.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireWhat if baby teeth get cavities?

You may be tempted to think that baby teeth are going to fall out anyway, therefore getting cavities is not that important. This could not be further from the truth. Cavities are not only painful, but they can also cause problems with the normal development of adult teeth. For this reason, it is really important to visit the dentist in Buckinghamshire. Decayed baby teeth can damage the whole jaw structure and impair children’s speech and chewing ability.

Cavities in baby teeth are often caused by over-exposure to sugar. Too much sugar causes bacteria to settle on the teeth, creating plaque that starts to eat away tooth enamel. Children are most likely to indulge in sugary snacks putting them at a higher risk for cavities. The pain that comes with cavities can interrupt sleep, as well as their ability to grow to their fullest potential. Oral health is also connected with overall health and cavities can encourage the multiplication of bacteria in the mouth that may eventually spread throughout the entire body.

Taking good of baby teeth will keep your children’s mouth health and plaque-free. Daily brushing and flossing help children understand that oral health is really crucial. Visiting the dentist in Buckinghamshire will also help them establish an oral health routine.

When to visit an emergency dentist in Beaconsfield

Dental emergencies occur when you least expect them and visiting an emergency dentist as soon as possible is your best chance for restoring your oral health. At Garden View, we are happy to address your emergency dental needs and help to save your teeth from damage.

We offer appointments for all dental emergencies from a toothache to lost or broken crowns, chipped teeth and fillings to abscesses, trauma and knocked out teeth. Our experienced emergency dentist in Beaconsfield will take good care of your injuries to ensure you avoid additional dental problems in the future. Here are some common dental emergencies and what you can do while waiting to be treated by the emergency dentist in Beaconsfield.

Emergency Dentist in BeaconsfieldKnocked out teeth

If an adult tooth is knocked out, retrieve the tooth, hold it by the crown and use lukewarm water to carefully remove any dirt. It is really important not to touch the root of the tooth or try to remove any tissue that might still be attached.

If possible, put the tooth back into the socket. If the tooth can’t be replaced easily, hold it between your cheek and gums or put it into a clean container with milk or water. Visiting the emergency dentist as soon as possible after the injury can mean the difference between saving and losing your tooth.


Toothache can have many underlying causes. However, it is often the result of an abscess around the root of a tooth or between the tooth and the gum line. If you think that you have an abscess, you should see an emergency dentist in Beaconsfield immediately. In the meantime, rinse your mouth out with a mild solution of salt and warm water to help draw the abscess, and take painkillers. Do not place the painkillers directly on your tooth and do not touch the abscess, which can cause more pain.

We are here to help you

In the event of any dental emergency, you should make an appointment to see an emergency dentist at Garden View as soon as possible. But in the meantime, taking the correct action as outlined above could help to save your teeth.

Why is it important visiting the dentist on a regular basis?

Brushing and flossing your teeth on a daily basis is important, but it is not sufficient to keep your teeth perfectly clean. Some dental conditions are not visible on the surface, so it is really important to have a dentist examine your teeth and gums and help you understand the steps involved in proper dental care.

Seeing a dentist in Buckinghamshire on a regular basis means you are getting your teeth cleaned, having regular examinations, and taking care of any oral health problems that may appear before they require immediate attention. At Garden View, we believe that good oral care is an essential step for good oral health and we provide quality dental care for all ages.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireHow often should you visit the dentist?

The frequency of dental examinations is usually dependent on the condition of the patient’s mouth. If your teeth are healthy and you do not have gum disease, we recommend visiting the dentist in Buckinghamshire every six months. If you have many restorations, dental implants or active gum disease, you are advised to visit the dentist more frequently. Other reasons to see the dentist as soon as possible include tooth sensitivity, broken or chipped teeth and bleeding gums.

Reasons to visit the dentist regularly

There are good reasons to have a teeth cleaning and check-up every six months or so. Professional teeth cleaning will enable your dentist in Buckinghamshire to remove bacteria that cause plaque and form tartar on your teeth. If the plaque is not removed it can erode the enamel, leading to gum disease.

Having your teeth cleaned regularly can also serve as an early warning system. During those visits, your dentist will examine your teeth thoroughly and have the opportunity to detect early signs of decay or other oral health problems. They can also spot the early signs of oral cancer, increasing the likelihood of a successful treatment, should you be at risk. Moreover, a hygienist will clean your teeth thoroughly and provide advice on effective brushing and flossing techniques.

Get in touch

Seeing your Buckinghamshire dentist at least twice a year can save you time and money, especially when problems are caught and treated in advance. To book an appointment, call us today.

Do I have to have traditional metal braces?

Metal braces are normally the first thought that comes to mind when straightening your teeth is brought up. This is probably because they have been a very effective form of dentistry for many years.

Unfortunately, you may also have to deal with some disadvantages compared to clear braces in Buckinghamshire. With traditional fixed metal braces, they are highlighted with elastics that stand out against your natural teeth.

Clear Braces in BuckinghamshireFixed braces are also known to be quite uncomfortable for some patients and can create forced shifts in teeth caused by frequent tightening appointments.

With fixed metal braces, you also have to have a change in your diet to avoid damage to your teeth and even avoid hard or sticky foods. They also involve a more complicated dental routine that requires additional cleaning equipment.

These woes and worries can be over at Garden View with our clear braces in Buckinghamshire.

Your future is clear

Clear braces in Buckinghamshire are made of an almost invisible plastic, making them less visible than traditional fixed metal braces. This fact alone is a big reason why so many of our patients have decided to have clear braces, rather than go down the traditional route of fixed metal braces.

How do they work?

At your initial consultation with one of our experienced and dedicated dentists, an x-ray of your teeth is taken. From this we can decide if your teeth are suitable for clear braces in Buckinghamshire.

Once we know your teeth are suitable, several sets of aligners are made, each specifically tailored to the shape of your mouth and teeth. Each set is worn for two weeks before being replaced and they are even very easy to remove for eating and brushing.

At Garden View, we recommended that you wear them FOR 22-23 hours a day in order to achieve the best results.

If you need minor tooth movements or a more complex solution, we can help you. We have many years’ experience that you can also benefit from. So, why not give us a call and start your dental journey to straighter healthier teeth today.

Preventive dental care for children in Buckinghamshire

Did you know that as soon as your baby develops their first tooth, they are at risk of dental decay? Naturally, parents care about their children and want them to have the very best of everything. One of the best gifts you can give your child is an early start on good oral care.

At Garden View, we believe that prevention is better than cure and we advise our patients to bring their children to the practice as soon as they have their first teeth. The risk for decay and gum disease can easily be reduced with regular dental check-ups, cleanings, proper oral hygiene, and good nutrition habits. We also offer fluoride applications and dental sealants for enhanced protection against tooth decay. Our friendly dentist in Buckinghamshire will ensure your child’s complete comfort and care.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireTreatment that fits your child’s unique needs

Our dentist in Buckinghamshire is skilled in working with children, and before we make any recommendations, we will spend some time talking to you about your child’s oral health, hygiene, and eating habits. These aspects are equally important and will enable us to have a clear picture of your child’s overall dental health and develop a treatment plan that takes their unique needs into account.

Based on the results of our examination, we may recommend a thorough cleaning, fluoride applications, or dental sealants to protect and strengthen their teeth. Fluoride applications and dental sealants are effective against cavities and keep your child’s teeth healthy for longer. If cavities have already occurred, we will treat them in the least painful way possible.

Keeping your children happy and healthy

Our ultimate goal is to provide the highest quality dental care for children in a nurturing and safe environment. We want to help your child develop a positive attitude for the dentist as this will help them establish good oral habits for a lifetime.

No matter what your child’s age, our dentist in Buckinghamshire will support and encourage them to achieve excellent oral health. To schedule a visit or to learn more about our preventive treatments for children, contact our friendly team today.

It’s time to straighten that smile

If you’re in need of a straighter smile, there are now more discreet ways to correct your teeth outside the world of traditional fixed metal braces. Our Garden View practice understands that straight teeth are a necessity.

Our patients wish to be successful and approachable and straight teeth can help them. Having a beautiful smile helps our patients by boosting their confidence and providing excellent health benefits at the same time. Instead of wearing chunky metal wires and brackets, you can achieve the beautiful improvements that you’ve been dreaming of with our various clear braces in Beaconsfield.

Clear Braces in BeaconsfieldThe future is clear

You’ve probably seen dental patients in the past wearing potentially embarrassing full head gear to straighten their teeth. Thanks to the advances in the modern dental world, we finally have a way to maintain your professional, polished appearance while improving your smile.

These advances have lead us to the utilisation of clear braces in Beaconsfield. They use a series of practically invisible, removable aligners so that no one can tell you’re wearing them. The aligners are custom-made just for you and apply a constant, gentle pressure to glide teeth into the correct position.

You will wear each set of aligners for around two weeks, removing them only to eat, drink, brush, and floss. As you replace each aligner with the next in the series, your teeth will move gradually until they have straightened to their final desired position.

The benefits

With clear braces in Beaconsfield you will experience an immediate boost in confidence knowing that your braces treatment is practically invisible.

You will also experience comfortable straightening from custom-made aligners, rather than sharp metal brackets and wires that can be uncomfortable and even painful.

As well as this, you can still enjoy your favourite foods because of the versatility your clear braces in Beaconsfield offer by being removable.

You can even keep your dental routine simple and effective by removing your aligners to brush and floss your natural teeth.

If this sounds like just what you have been looking for, well look no further and give us a call today to arrange your initial consultation.

A better way to straight teeth

At Garden View Dental Care, we want you to have an excellent experience when you come to us for treatment. Whether it’s general dentistry, restorations or getting your teeth straightened, we keep our services up to date and offer you modern materials, equipment, and knowledge.

That’s why when it comes to teeth straightening, we offer our patients in Buckinghamshire clear braces. Clear braces do a great job of straightening your teeth, but without the embarrassment and discomfort that can come from traditional heavy-duty metal braces. Such braces are really only required for serious bite alignment issues.

Clear Braces in BuckinghamshireThere are a couple of different systems of clear braces in Buckinghamshire, and one may be more suitable than the other for your particular alignment issues, lifestyle, and budget. Let’s take a quick look at both of them:

Six Month Smiles

These braces look like smaller, clearer versions of traditional braces. They use the same mechanical principles of brackets fixed to the teeth at specific angles, with wire strung between them to pull the teeth into alignment. The difference is that they are designed to work on the front six social teeth only. These incisors and canines have one root, rather than two or three, so they are much easier to move. The gentler forces required mean that the brackets are smaller, and can be made of clear ceramic, and the titanium nickel wires are tooth-coloured. Together they blend into the teeth rather than dominating them. As the product name implies, the average treatment time is only six months.

Invisible aligners

These look like very thin, transparent mouth guards. A series of them is 3D printed. The first is slightly different from how your teeth are now, and the pressure nudges your teeth into alignment rather than pulling them. You wear each aligner for about two weeks before moving onto the next one, getting through somewhere between 12–48 of them. Aligners are removable for eating and cleaning, but discipline is required: you need to wear your aligners for at least 20 hours a day to stay on schedule with your treatment.

To find out more about clear braces in Buckinghamshire, why not come in for a consultation?

Comfier, clearer ways to straighten teeth

These days, unless you have some severe problems with your bite, you can pretty much expect that there is some form of clear braces that will be able to deal with your individual alignment issues.

At Garden View Dental Care, we know that adults who want to get their teeth straightened are going to be looking for clear braces in Buckinghamshire. That’s why we offer both fixed and removable clear braces.

Clear Braces in BuckinghamshireIn Buckinghamshire, clear braces are particularly suitable for adults with mild alignment issues because they offer the discretion that people with busy public-facing jobs, or positions of responsibility require. Such people do not want to have to wear braces that evoke images of awkward adolescence, or attract unwanted stares or personal questions.

Fixed, clear braces in Buckinghamshire

This type of braces comes to you under the brand name of Six Month Smiles, so called because it takes on average six months to align the teeth. This brand aims to align the front six social teeth only. These are the teeth that are mostly on display when we talk and smile. Six Months Smiles uses a modern twist on the tried and trusted fixed bracket and wire braces method. As it is only concerned with moving the front teeth, which have fewer roots, the forces required are much gentler. This means that the brackets are smaller and made of clear ceramic instead of metal. They are strung together with fine, tooth-coloured wire, and are much more comfortable.

Removable aligner clear braces in Buckinghamshire

Aligners work on a different principle. They look like very thin, clear, rigid plastic mouth guards. You wear a series of them, each for about two weeks, in an incremental order. The mild mis-fitting of each one is different and used to nudge the teeth along to alignment. Aligners are removable for eating and teeth cleaning. The smooth plastic won’t rub and create sores inside the cheeks. It is important that they be worn for at least 20 hours a day to stay on schedule for alignment.

To find out which system of clear braces would suit you, why not come in for a consultation?

Teeth straightening without the self-consciousness factor

No one likes being stared at by strangers, or being asked intrusive, personal questions when we are just trying to go about our daily business. And yet that is often what happens when people see someone in a business suit with braces on their teeth. It’s the discordancy between what we expect — teenagers wear braces, grown-ups don’t — and what we see.

That’s why many adults would rather go through life with wonky teeth. They don’t want the attention created by wearing braces that dominate their mouths for two or three years.

Clear Braces in BeaconsfieldSo, you’ll be glad to know that the belief that braces have to be made of heavy-duty metal and stay on your teeth for two or three years is a mistaken belief that has not been updated in recent years. These days, braces can be much smaller, and more discreet, made of materials that blend in with the teeth, and sometimes they can be almost invisible to the untrained eye.

Discreet alternatives

In Beaconsfield, clear braces are one of our most popular treatments at Garden View Dental Care. Adults who, for some reason, missed out on braces treatments when they were teenagers are taking advantage of the smaller devices and shorter treatment times offered by clear braces in Beaconsfield.

Such changes are possible because very often adults do not need the strong forces and longer treatments times associated with heavy-duty metal braces. This kind of braces are primarily for treating jaw alignment problems, but when the treatment is to correct simple misalignments of the front teeth only, much gentler forces can be used, and treatment can take a lot less time, sometimes a few weeks or months only.

Clear braces in Beaconsfield tend to have smaller, clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured nickel titanium wires. One brand, Six Month Smiles, is designed to treat the front six social teeth only and the average treatment time is six months.

Generally speaking, patients will have to wear a retainer after treatment with clear braces in Beaconsfield. This keeps the teeth in place so that they do not try to wander back to where they were before. It can be a night-time retainer, or one bonded to the backs of the teeth.