Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Ask the dentist – Proven techniques to keep teeth healthy

We are always delighted when our patients want to take a proactive approach to keeping their teeth in a healthy condition. Fortunately this is not difficult to do with the help of a Dentist in Buckinghamshire.


It is important that patients acknowledge that like the rest of their bodies, oral care needs to be maintained over one’s lifetime.  Our Dentist in Buckinghamshire can point patients in the right direction as to which steps best protect oral health. These steps range from dentist-approved habits, to using recommended dental tools and oral care products. To make certain that they are looking after their teeth properly there are daily actions, and at least one annual responsibility, a Dentist in Buckinghamshire will recommend.

 Actions every patient should take to ensure healthy teeth

  1. Everyday habits to observe

 Clean the mouth (teeth, gums and tongue) before bed

We can not emphasise enough that patients should resist the temptation to skip cleaning teeth before going to bed, no matter how tired the patient is. Over the course of the day germs and plaque build up in the mouth.  Brushing at night helps to minimise this accumulation.


We would encourage patients to increase, if necessary, the amount of water they drink. The most opportune time to do this is after having a meal. To keep one’s mouth healthy, it is important what one does between brushing at the beginning and end of the day. Drinking water helps to get rid of the destructive effects of certain types of foods and beverages, mainly those that are acidic or sticky in nature.

Replace bad habits that destroy teeth

Habits are automatic behaviours that patients can’t help but find themselves performing. Habits (if they are not working for you in a positive way) can be changed with consistent practice and willpower. Patients first need to be aware of any self-destructive habits before they can learn to undo them.

Examples of bad habits that contribute to poor oral health include:

  •  Consuming too much food that lacks the proper nutrients the body needs.
  • Biting down on hard non-food objects like pens and bottle caps etc.
  • Teeth grinding (consult a dentist for helpful ways to address this)
  • Smoking
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Not using a mouthguard when participating in sporting activities.
  • Neglecting to repair or replace dental devices such as damaged braces and dentures
  • At least once every year

Have your mouth checked by a dental professional

In the absence of pain and discomfort, a patient may be mistakenly led to believe that all is well with their teeth and gums. It is important to bear in mind that certain areas of the teeth are not visible without the use of dental technology and the ONLY sure way to determine oral health is to visit the dentist.

 These check-up appointments are beneficial for taking preventive measures or to initiate corrective dental treatments to secure present and future healthy teeth and gums.

Not sure when you last visited a dental clinic for a check-up or professional teeth cleaning? Contact us at Garden View dental clinic today to book an appointment.