Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

A lifelong relationship perhaps?

When you move to the Beaconsfield area, you are going to be on the look out for a new dentist in Buckinghamshire, probably one that you stay with for many years.

Going to the dentist in Buckinghamshire is a funny thing, just as it is anywhere in the world. We have a fearsome reputation for our ability to cause pain and also to stop it from happening. That reputation is built on centuries of gruesome stories of toothache, tooth pullers and dental tools that look more like instruments of torture than pain relief.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireSo, when you come to Garden View Dental Care, you may feel a bit nervous of what you may find. You probably have lots of questions running through your head that you may be afraid to ask, so let’s see if we can answer some of them now.

As a dentist in Buckinghamshire, do we have a good reputation? Yes, we do. Our dentists, Dr Al-Karim Makhani and Dr S Makhani, have been here for a long time, and we run a very friendly, welcoming, well-equipped modern practice with an exceptional garden view.

Our equipment

Dentistry moves fast these days, with continual advances in technology. We have a Cerec machine for in-house Cerec crowns, which we can make on the day for you.

We also have digital x-rays and intra-oral photographs.

In terms of keeping up-to-date with pain relief we also have the Wand, which offers pain-free dentistry.

Taking good care of you

Our highly experienced dentists and hygienists understand that visiting the dentist can be very scary for some people. So, if you are an anxious dental patient, please do tell us so that we can offer you sedation and also talk you through all treatments until you feel comfortable with them.

If you do have a dental emergency, we can see you on the same day that you call.

Making you look great

Dentistry these days is as much about looking good as it is about health, so we offer clear braces for adults as well as white fillings and cosmetic treatments to create a smile makeover.