Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Fast action

A dental emergency can occur without any warning. The most important thing to remember when your teeth or gums start to worry you is to see the emergency dentist in Beaconsfield as soon as you can. Here at Garden View Dental Care, we have a team of dental professionals ready to respond swiftly to all sorts of oral health difficulties. Broken teeth, facial swelling, bleeding gums and sudden pains can all be taken care of with a same-day appointment.

Emergency Dentist in BeaconsfieldReasons to visit the emergency dentist in Beaconsfield

Many people look for an emergency dentist in Beaconsfield after they’ve broken a tooth. This can happen when dining. You might have bitten down and felt something hard, and had a sinking feeling when you realise your tooth has come apart. If this happens, pick up the phone and arrange an urgent visit. We can reduce your discomfort immediately and protect your teeth from infection. By making long-lasting repairs, we can ensure your oral health stays robust in the future.

Developed decay

Another reason to visit the emergency dentist in Beaconsfield is because of long-term decay in one or more teeth. This condition may suddenly cause discomfort, especially if infection is involved. If you’re experiencing this worrying development, come and see us at the earliest possible opportunity so we can stabilise your condition. Our modern injection methods enable you to relax as we do the necessary work to preserve your oral health.

Looking forward

After you come to see us, we might require you to return for a follow-up appointment, depending on what sort of work we’ve had to do. Our aim is to ensure your teeth and gums are free from problems in the future.

The team here is experienced in giving tactful and sensitive care to a wide variety of people. We know how disconcerting it can be to realise you need an emergency dentist in Beaconsfield. Our swift and decisive dental solutions will improve the condition of your teeth and enable you to get on with your day-to-day life. Whatever has caused you to seek our urgent services, the crucial thing to bear in mind is to make an appointment as quickly as you can.