Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Quick! Get to the emergency dentist in Beaconsfield

The best thing you can do in any dental emergency is get into the dentist’s chair as soon as possible. In the case of a knocked-out tooth, it’s even more vital because it could mean the difference between saving your tooth and not. Bearing in mind that the cost of a dental implant to restore a lost tooth can come in at upwards of £1000, it’s really worth getting yourself to emergency dentist in Beaconsfield as quickly as you can.

Emergency Dentist in BeaconsfieldIf you can get to the emergency dentist in Beaconsfield in under two hours, there’s a good chance the tooth can be saved. There’s a couple of other pointers that could mean the difference between life and death for your lost tooth.

First, if possible, don’t panic. When you are in pain and there’s blood pouring out of your mouth, it’s a natural reaction to feel fear and overwhelm and you may even feel dizzy because of the blood loss. Sit down and breathe as slowly and deeply as you can. Have someone sit with you if there is anyone else around.

Next, look for your tooth. Hopefully it won’t have gone far, and you’ll be able to spot it on the ground nearby. What you do next is vitally important: pick your tooth up by the crown (the white visible part) only. Don’t ever touch a tooth root. It is living tissue and the debris and bacteria from our fingers can fatally damage it. If the tooth is dirty, give it a quick wash in saliva and pop it back in its socket. If this isn’t possible, put it in your cheek, or in a clean container and cover it with milk. Don’t ever expose a tooth root to the chemical blitz of tap water.

And finally, call the emergency dentist in Beaconsfield and ask for their next appointment. Explain to the reception staff what’s happened – they will be used to dealing with this scenario and will get you in to see the dentist as soon as they can.

Here at Garden View Dental Care in Beaconsfield, emergency dentist Dr Makhani is on hand and ready to help you keep your precious tooth.