Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

All you need to know about clear braces in Beaconsfield

Are you excited about straightening your teeth, but a bit uncomfortable at the thought of wearing metal braces for months or even years? With clear braces, not only can you get your teeth aligned, you can smile confidently throughout your treatment.

At Garden View Dental Care, we offer clear braces that are either tooth-coloured or can be removed periodically. Clear braces in Beaconsfield are designed to deliver results quickly and above all, discreetly.

Clear Braces in BeaconsfieldUnique benefits of clear braces

One of the most exciting benefits of clear braces is that most people will not even notice that you are undergoing teeth straightening treatment. Clear braces are ideal for image-conscious teenagers or adults whose job heavily relies on their external appearance. Moreover, clear braces are designed to straighten teeth more quickly than traditional braces, with treatment times starting from an average of as little as six months (i.e. Six Month Smiles braces). More importantly, clear braces in Beaconsfield are more comfortable than traditional braces because they put less pressure on the teeth and are less likely to harm your gums. Finally, removable aligners are not fixed in place and they can be removed to eat and clean your teeth.

Am I eligible for clear braces in Beaconsfield?

Generally, most patients are eligible for clear braces as long as their teeth are only mildly to moderately misaligned. Patients with severely crooked teeth or serious jaw problems will not benefit from clear braces. In this case, your dentist may recommend regular braces or other teeth straightening methods.

//Do clear braces hurt like conventional braces?//

Removable clear braces are composed of smooth plastic that will not cause any irritation to your soft tissues. Fixed clear braces, on the other hands, are not as painful as conventional braces because they do not put as much pressure on your teeth. Both types of braces aim to shift your teeth gently over the course of your treatment.

Get in touch

At Garden View Dental Care, we strive to offer each patient individual care that is personalised and affordable. If you would like to schedule a consultation for clear braces in Beaconsfield, give us a call today.